Submission Guidelines
Editorial Statement
Supernatural Studies promotes rigorous yet accessible scholarship in the growing field of representations of the supernatural. The breadth of "the supernatural" as a category creates the potential for interplay among otherwise disparate individual studies that will ideally produce not only new work but also increased dialogue and new directions of scholarly inquiry. To that end, the editorial board welcomes submissions employing any theoretical perspective or methodological approach and engaging with any period.
Submission Guidelines
Supernatural Studies (print ISSN 2470-203X; online ISSN 2325-4866) invites submissions addressing representations of the supernatural in any type of cultural artifact, including but not limited to literature, art, film, television, and video games.
Issues are published in print and by open-access electronic publication under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. Article authors with a U.S. mailing address will receive one free print copy of the issue in which their work appears; all other article contributors will be asked to cover a portion of the shipping costs, USD15.00. Article or review contributors may purchase additional copies at a special rate by contacting the editorial staff.
Manuscripts should be 5,000 to 8,000 words, including notes but excluding Works Cited, and follow the MLA Handbook, 9th ed. (2021). International submissions should adhere to the conventions of U.S. English spelling, usage, and punctuation. Manuscripts should contain no identifying information, and each submission will undergo blind peer review by at least two readers. Contributors are responsible for obtaining any necessary permissions and ensuring observance of copyright. Submissions should be emailed to as an attached Microsoft Word file.
Reviews should be 700 to 1,000 words. Prospective reviewers may email reviews to be considered to as an attached Microsoft Word file. International submissions should adhere to the conventions of U.S. English spelling, usage, and punctuation.
Special Issues:
Supernatural Studies periodically publishes themed special issues, and prospective editors are invited to contact the editorial staff at with proposals.
Statement on Peer-Review Process
Each submission is sent, with no identifying information, to two peer readers with scholarly experience germane to the submission. In the event of substantial disagreement between the reports from these two readers, an editor or additional peer reviewer will act as a third reader and make a final recommendation. While we endeavor to keep the peer-review process as brief as possible, we do not guarantee any specific time frame for a final decision on acceptance, requests for revision, or rejection.
If you are a scholar interested in serving as a peer reviewer for Supernatural Studies, please fill out this form.